Lahaina Crossfit

crossfit open 2024

It’s that time of the year we all have come to love….The 2024 CrossFit Open!  The Open has always been a fun time for us at Lahaina CrossFit! We have met so many amazing people that dropped in for their open WOD’s while on vacation. We have been honored to have witnessed so much dedication and new PRs!

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with our friends from THE BLOCK to be able to validate this year’s OPEN scores.

THE BLOCK is a great functional fitness/Kettle Bell local gym that has been able to reopen after the fire.  The Block is located at 75 Kupuohi St, Lahaina Hi. 

We (Tom and Janelle) will be available on Saturday March 2, March 9th and March 16th from 11-12:30 to validate scores.  This is will be the only time available.  Please contact us by email at to get a spot.  There will be a $30.00 drop in charge. Weekly passes will also be available to join at the BLOCK. Also, we would love for you to join us for our BeachFit WODs at Airport Beach on Mondays/Fridays 8AM.

Please keep in mind that this is a small(er) but mighty facility that has opened its doors for us to do this.  We will do our best to accommodate their members and our drop ins.

Unfortunately,  the only movement we will not be able to do at The Block is ring muscle ups. (There are a few other CrossFit Gyms on the other side of the island that may be open for drop ins but you would need to contact them directly).

We look forward to supporting you in this year’s CrossFit Open! See you soon!


let’s do this!